cystitis natural remedies

The cystitis is an annoying inflammation that affects the bladder and which manifests itself in the form of burning , often accompanied by a frequent need to urinate .

It mainly affects women , but it can also occur in men, especially in those who have problems with prostatic hypertrophy (see natural remedies for the prostate ).

It can be a sporadic disorder (acute cystitis), which resolves itself within a few days, but it is often a chronic and annoyingly recurring problem.

The causes of inflammation can be many, even if the major suspect is a bacterium that populates the final tract of the intestine, Escherichia coli . These germs can reach the bladder from the outside, passing through the urethra, or from the inside by propagation from nearby organs, or by blood.

What are the causes?

escherichia coli

As Claude Bernard liked to say ” the soil is everything, the microbe is nothing “. With this famous phase, the French physiologist meant that we get sick not because there is a bad bacterium that has entered our body, but because the bacterium has found fertile ground, favorable for its development.

This can happen for several reasons.

For example, because your diet too rich in sugars and dairy products has ended up altering the intestinal flora, favoring the proliferation of Eschericia coli or other pathogenic bacteria.

Or because after an abundant course of drugs, steroids, or antibiotics , you find yourself with a weakened immune system, no longer able to fight the “invading germ”.

However, it must be said that the cause of cystitis is not always bacterial in nature.

Sometimes prolonged use of the diaphragm, certain spermicidal creams, or synthetic or particularly tight undergarments is enough to promote inflammation in the bladder.

Remedies for cystitis

Especially when you are faced with a chronic and relapsing cystitis, the problem is unlikely to be solved exclusively through the use of drugs and antibiotics.

For example, it is very important to take care of nutrition. For example, a useful advice that any nutritionist would give you is to reduce the glycemic load (i.e. in the consumption of sweets and refined cereals), since the more sugars we introduce, the greater the state of inflammation.

In addition, there are several medicinal herbs that you could take to fight infection and improve the state of our immune system. And that’s what I want to talk to you about in the chapters that follow.

1. Aloe

aloe cures cystitis

Among the remedies for cystitis impossible not to mention Aloe, in particular I refer to the recipe of the Brazilian friar Father Romano Zago , prepared by blending together whole leaves of Aloe Arborescens, honey and distillate ( read here how to prepare the recipe ).

From the experience of Father Zago himself, the administration of this preparation is extremely effective in the treatment of urinary tract disorders .

Especially when we are faced with a bacterial infection, such as that of Escherichia coli, the intake of Aloe can help to stimulate the immune defenses and therefore to better fight the infection. Furthermore, Aloe is known for its purifying and anti-inflammatory action.

This explains why it is so effective.

The method of taking the preparation is the same as we have already explained in other articles: a soup spoon, 3 times a day, possibly on an empty stomach about 20-30 minutes before main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Related product:

Aloe Arborescens juice, Father Zago’s original recipe 325ml/750 ml

  • Packaging of 325ml and 750ml
  • Ingredients: Aloe Arborescens, honey and distillate
  • Italian product
  • Company: Erbe di Mauro


2. Horsetail

cystitis immediate relief

L ‘ horsetail (Equisetum arvense, or maximum), also known as horsetail , has always been one of the most used herbs from natural medicine for the treatment of urinary diseases.

In particular, the famous herbalist of the twentieth century Maria Treben, in her book ” Health from the pharmacy of the gentleman “, advocates the use of horsetail, in the form of a sitz bath (partial bath where only the lower part of the body is immersed, up to including kidneys., in all diseases affecting the urinary tract, proposing a simultaneous intake of horsetail tea.

The particular efficacy of horsetail in the treatment of all pathologies of the organs of the urinary tract is underlined both by Treben and by R. Willfort; both recommend using horsetail both in the form of herbal teas and for sitz baths.

Here’s how to prepare the herbal tea and horsetail sitz baths:

  1. Herbal tea to drink : pour a teaspoon (about 2-3 g) of horsetail in about 250 ml of already hot water, leave to infuse for 10 minutes and then filter. Drink 2 to 4 cups a day;
  2. Sitz baths : in this case you need about 100 g of dried horsetail (double if it is fresh) for 5 liters of water. The horsetail is poured into cold water and left to macerate overnight. The next morning it is heated briefly and filtered. This water will be added to the bath water to take a partial bath, i.e. the water must reach up to the breastbone to completely cover the kidneys. The duration of the bath is 20 minutes. After getting out of the water, instead of drying yourself off, you should wrap yourself in a bathrobe and lie in bed for about an hour.

The sitz baths are “medicinal” baths that the ancient naturist doctors recommended to their patients to treat many pathologies. With the advent of Official Medicine they have practically disappeared. However, it is an extremely effective practice. Seeing is believing.

Related products:

horsetail herbal tea

3. Birch

In combination, or in place of horsetail, to treat urinary pathologies you can also rely on birch tea (to drink, not good for sitz baths).

In fact, in addition to being a very valid remedy to purify the body and to drain excess fluids, the leaves of the Birch taken in the form of herbal tea, are also a very valid remedy for cystitis. In fact, Birch promotes urination and the elimination of waste (in particular uric acids) and has a soothing effect on all the urinary tract.

As an alternative to horsetail or birch, black currant leaf tea can also be useful .

Related products:

birch tea
black currant herbal tea

5. Calendula oil (for external use)

An excellent natural solution to reduce inflammation in intimate areas is the Calendula oil . It is a medicated oil obtained by macerating calendula flowers in vegetable oil (for example sunflower, olive, or almond).

Calendula oil is known for its moisturizing, calming and anti-inflammatory properties and is one of the few remedies that can also be used on intimate parts and very delicate areas of the body. The application of this oil is not decisive, but it will at least help you to calm the annoying burning.

Related products:

calendula oil

4. Intestinal washing

Often the inflammation of the urinary tract is a reflection of what happens in the gut . In these cases, intestinal washing can be extremely useful, as well as at no cost!

To do this, you just need an enema (or alternatively a simple bulb for the enema) and water.

For greater effectiveness, instead of plain water you can use chamomile tea (excellent anti-inflammatory), or coffee. Coffee enema is particularly effective in detoxifying the liver and counteracting stagnation of bile (see the book Healing with the Gerson method).

Washing performed by means of an enema, or enema, in addition to promoting evacuation, has a decongesting, refreshing and purifying effect .

It is important to know that the best time to do it is in the morning on an empty stomach.

NB : All information published on this site is informative and should not be considered as advice, or medical prescriptions, or other.