rosehip benefits

Today I would like to talk to you about a plant that is very close to my heart, the Rosehip .

Rosehip is a genus of wild rose very common in our countryside. It grows up to 1,500 meters and is easily found throughout most of Europe.

It forms large hedges that can reach 3-4 meters in height and in spring it produces beautiful pink flowers, while with the arrival of autumn the berries of a beautiful bright red color appear .

The berries (which are actually false fruits, or rose hips), are extremely rich in vitamin C , with a content up to 34 times higher than that of oranges .

They also contain vitamins A and E, polyphenols, tannins, mineral salts and other nutrients that are very interesting for our well-being.

Every winter, after the first frosts, I go to the Sibillini Mountains to pick these precious berries, which are undoubtedly one of the most requested natural products by my customers.

Let me tell you why.

All the benefits of Rosehip berries

The name ” canina ” derives from Pliny the Elder, who in his writings stated that a Roman soldier was cured of anger with a decoction of his roots.

For centuries this plant has been used in folk medicine to treat numerous health problems. In particular, rose hips, or false fruits, were used to treat flu, colds and infections of various kinds .

The berries were also used to treat urinary disorders, gravel, kidney stones, diarrhea, as well as gout and scurvy (a disease associated with vitamin C deficiency).

Recent scientific studies have done nothing but confirm many of the benefits of this plant, benefits that our ancestors had known for centuries thanks to empirical practice and experience accumulated over time.

Studies have shown that these small red berries are a real treasure trove of precious nutrients for our body .

In the rosehip berries we find:

  • Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), up to 1700 mg per 100g (34 times more than oranges);
  • Vitamins A, E and K;
  • Mineral salts (including: iron, zinc, copper, calcium, manganese, boron, sodium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium);
  • Fatty acids (including oleic, palmitic, oleanolic, stearic and linoleic acids)
  • Flavonoids;
  • Beta-carotene (including lycopene and beta-carotene);
  • Pectins;
  • Tannins.

Let’s see more specifically what are the main therapeutic properties of rosehip berries :

1. They are rich in antioxidants

rosehip collection

The antioxidants are important because they protect against free radicals, substances from the waste products of oxygen metabolism.

These substances are mainly responsible for aging and cell generation.

The consumption of foods and drinks rich in antioxidants, such as fruit and vegetables, can help protect us from a whole range of diseases related to cell damage by free radicals: cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes , etc. ( 1 ).

Rosehip berries are rich in substances with antioxidant activity and in particular in polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamin E and above all vitamin C ( 2 ).

2. Stimulates the immune system

One of the characteristics that most of all makes these berries interesting is the very high concentration of vitamin C, which depending on the season and the species can reach up to 1,700 mg per 100g of berries. A content 34 higher than that of lemons and oranges .

They are by far the fruit with the highest concentration of vitamin C in Europe.

Vitamin C plays a very important role on our immune system ( 3 , 4 , 5 ):

  • stimulates the production of lymphocytes, which protect us from infections;
  • improves the function of lymphocytes;
  • improves the protective function of the skin, which isolates us from external pathogens.

In addition to vitamin C, Rose Hips contain high levels of polyphenols and vitamins A and E , all of which help to strengthen and protect the immune system ( 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 ).

3. Reduces triglycerides, bad cholesterol and blood pressure

Thanks to the high concentration of antioxidants, Rosehip berries promote heart health .

There are several studies that suggest a reduction in cardiovascular risk, to a greater consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C .

In particular, there is a review of 13 studies ( 10 ), which finds that the integration of at least 500 mg of vitamin C per day, promotes a significant reduction in LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, two risk factors. for heart disease.

A further study ( 11 ) associated insufficient vitamin C consumption with an increased risk of death from heart disease .

We must not forget that Rosehip berries are rich in flavonoids .

Flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds secondary metabolites of plants with a high antioxidant power. In studies they have been shown to be effective in lowering blood pressure and improving blood flow to the heart ( 12 ).

Another study ( 13 ), lasting six weeks, conducted on 31 adults with problems of obesity, found that those who consumed a drink containing 40 grams of powder of Rosehip day berries, had significantly improved the pressure sanguign to and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, compared to the control group.

4. Reduces inflammation and pain in arthritis and osteoarthritis

Rosehip berries are rich in compounds with a marked anti-inflammatory action , including polyphenols and galactolipids ( 14 , 15 ).

The galactolipids are complex lipids which are found in the myelin sheath of the nerves and brain.

They have recently been researched for their strong anti-inflammatory properties and potential to reduce joint pain ( 16 ).

In a review of three studies ( 17 ), supplementation with rosehip significantly reduced joint pain in people with osteoarthritis. .

Another 4-month study ( 18 ) involved 100 people with osteoarthritis. The study showed that people who supplemented with 5 grams per day of rosehip extract felt significantly less pain and greater mobility in the hip joint, compared to the control group.

In fact, 65% of the participants in the group reported some reduction in pain ( 19 ).

5. Promotes weight loss

A clinical study published in 2015 looked at the effects of consuming rosehip berries on overweight individuals over a 12-week period.

During this time, patients were assigned to two groups and received a placebo, or 100 milligrams of rosehip extract, once a day. The study found that daily intake of rosehip berry extract significantly reduced body weight and body mass index , compared to the control group.

6. Combats skin aging

rosehip berries

The collagen is the most abundant protein in our body, it is concentrated in bones, tendons, cartilage, blood vessels, and of course also on the skin. This protein is very important because it provides the right elasticity to the skin .

The vitamin C , whose Rosehip is very rich, plays an important role in promoting the synthesis of collagen .

Furthermore, vitamin C has a protective action on the skin, against ultraviolet radiation associated with sun exposure ( 19 ).

In 2015, the journal Clinical Interventions in Aging ( 20 ) compared the ability of rosehip berry powder to astaxanthin (a carotenoid) to reduce the signs of aging, especially blemishes such as wrinkles .

The subjects who participated in the study, aged between 35 and 65, were divided into two groups, and took astaxanthin, or rose hip, for eight weeks to compare their effects.

The results were very encouraging, as rosehip supplementation demonstrated significant improvements in skin hydration and overall elasticity , compared to those who took astaxanthin.

7. Counteracts Diarrhea

Rosehip berries are rich in vitamin C and tannins, both substances with astringent and antidiarrheal properties .

In case of diarrhea, it is sufficient to drink a few cups of rosehip tea to immediately notice the effects.

In addition, the rosehip contains pectins, which contribute to improving and rebalancing intestinal transit.

How to take Rosehip berries

Rosehip berries can be taken fresh, just picked, or dried .

With dried berries you can prepare delicious herbal teas, while fresh you can also eat them. When taken fresh it is good to eliminate the internal seeds, which contain slightly irritating hairs for the mucous membranes.

With fresh berries it is also possible to prepare delicious jams.

How is the herbal tea prepared?

The herbal tea is prepared starting from dried or fresh rose hips.

The preparation is very simple. Just let some berries (about a teaspoon) steep in a cup of hot water and wait for 10 minutes , then strain and drink.

But isn’t the vitamin C destroyed with heat?

Yes, it is true, vitamin C is thermolabile , that is it is destroyed by heat. This problem can be overcome by making the cold infusion , which is prepared in this way: finely chop 4 teaspoons of rosehip berries and leave them to infuse in 1 liter of water at room temperature for about 6-8 hours.

After this time, you can drink the infusion and eat the softened berries.

The infusion can be kept in the fridge for 1 day. If you don’t like it cold, you can reheat the drink, but remember not to exceed the temperature of 38 ° C, beyond which the vitamin C begins to deteriorate.


rosehip where to buy

For prevention up to 2 cups a day, in case of flu, flu symptoms or other ailments, up to 4 cups a day.


There are no particular contraindications, if not due to an overdose, which in some cases can lead to side effects such as: vomiting, nausea, headache, heartburn, diarrhea, or fatigue.

Not recommended for pregnant women.

Where to buy the Rosehip

You can buy Rosehip berries already dried on our online store . The berries are personally harvested by me and my team, from the plants that grow spontaneously in the beautiful valleys of the Sibillini Mountains, in the interior of the province of Macerata.

This is where I go every winter to stock up on this fantastic gift of nature. I hope you can benefit from it too.


NB : All information published on this site is informative and should not be considered as advice, or medical prescriptions, or other.