Like propolis and royal jelly, pollen is another of the wonders donated to us by bees. In this article we will investigate all the properties and benefits of bee pollen.
What is pollen?
The pollen consists of a multitude of microscopic granules contained in the pollen bags of the anthers of the flowers and has the appearance of a powder, with a sticky consistency and whose color varies depending on the flower from which it was collected. These granules are nothing but the male reproductive cells of the plant. The pollen, carried by the wind, manages to reach the female organs of the flowers (the pistils).
Bees are the other means of pollination . In exchange for the nectar that draws them to the flowers, the bees transport the plant pollen to the plant. But even the pollen itself is the object of food interest by the bees. If the nectar is used as an energetic food, pollen is the indispensable protein substance that allows reproduction and growth within the hive.
It is used to produce royal jelly , a food given to all young larvae up to the third day of life and later reserved only for those that will become the queen bees.
The properties of bee pollen
Bee pollen has nutritional properties that few other foods in nature can boast.
- First of all it is a hyper-protein food. Contains up to 35% of proteins and 21 of the 23 amino acids present in nature , of which all the essential amino acids. To make a comparison, 100 g of pollen contain as many amino acids as half a pound of beef, or 7 eggs. Consequently, 30 grams of bee pollen (about 2 tablespoons shaved), are sufficient to cover the daily protein needs of an adult.
- The pollen grains contain about 35% of carbohydrates (glucose and fructose) which also make it a substance with strong energetic and revitalizing properties , perfect for those who practice sports even at competitive levels.
- Bee pollen also contains 5% fatty substances , mostly unsaturated fatty acids , which are particularly important for the wellbeing of the body.
- Except vitamin F and B4 (adenine), bee pollen contains all vitamins ;
- It is an extremely rich food of mineral salts including phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, silicon, manganese, copper, iron, sodium, chromium and zinc.
- Contains flavonoids (antioxidants) and phytosterols.
What are the benefits?
1 # Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
Bee pollen contains flavonoids, substances with strong antioxidant properties, which act against the onset of cardiovascular diseases, as they reduce the levels of bad cholesterol, stabilize and strengthen the capillaries, have anti-inflammatory action and counteract the formation of free radicals, that is the main responsible for cellular aging.
2 # Helps in case of stress, physical and mental fatigue
The bee pollen, in the nucleus of its cell, contains the secret of life: the DNA and RNA molecules that establish the vital function of all cells. Thanks to these substances pollen is able to reinforce and nourish the whole organism, fighting the states of psychophysical fatigue. For this reason bee pollen can be considered an excellent solution for stressed people, or those suffering from physical and mental weakness, as well as for those suffering from chronic fatigue.
3 # Contrasts Anemia
Bee pollen is particularly rich in iron, among other things in a molecular form highly available for our body. It is also useful for people who are too thin and need to regain weight and for those suffering from anorexia and rickets.
4 # Reinforce the immune system
Pollen is an excellent immunostimulant, so it is very useful both for the prevention, for the treatment of pathology, both viral and bacterial. Pollen, while not directly attacking pathogens, acts by stimulating and strengthening the natural defenses of our body, improving the immune response to bacteria and viruses.
5 # Regularize the intestine
Bee pollen also acts to regulate the functions of the intestine, disturbed by chronic constipation or diarrhea. Fights colitis, fermentative states, is subsidiary in the treatment of colibacillosis, thanks to its active action on pathogenic intestinal bacteria.
6 # Sports supplement
As already stated in the properties, pollen is extremely rich in both proteins and simple sugars. For this reason it is commonly used by athletes to increase resistance to fatigue and muscular effort.
7 # Helps memory and concentration
The richness of nutrients makes bee pollen a very good food even for those with problems of memory and concentration. It is especially useful for students who need an extra gear before exams. In fact it has been demonstrated, with appropriate tests performed by various university teams, that under the action of bee pollen, there is a marked improvement in intellectual performance, greater reactivity, better clarity of ideas, greater resistance to psychic effort.
8 # Helps in case of prostatic hypertrophy
Bee pollen, as well as epilobium , is a very effective remedy for prostate diseases, such as benign prostatic hypertrophy. Thanks to the presence of bioflavonoids, pollen has an anti-inflammatory and inhibitory effect on the growth of prostate tissue, which can reduce pain, congestion and the risk of prostate cancer.
How to use?
The pollen is taken in granules with a little honey, or dissolved in lukewarm beverages (not hot, otherwise many of the active ingredients would be destroyed). It is taken on an empty stomach (half an hour before meals or four hours later) in the dose of one, up to a maximum of four teaspoons a day.
The minimum duration of each treatment varies from one to three months: the longer it is protracted and the more the dosage can be reduced to a maintenance value.
Bee pollen should be stored away from light and moisture.
Although being a natural substance, bee pollen can also have side effects.
The incidence tends to increase significantly in those allergic to pollens and grasses. The most common symptoms are the appearance of pruritus, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchospasm and, in very rare cases, hepatotoxicity.
Attention to origin , because much of bee pollen sold in Italy, comes in reality from non-EU countries where pollen collection is not regulated and where the use of pesticides is the practice.
Pollen: where do you buy?
If you are looking for quality Italian pollen, I suggest you try the one produced by the Erbe di Mauro farm. These are dried granules, made with untreated bees. You can order it directly online from the website
- Italian product
- Ingredients: Bee pollen granules
- Pack of 120gr
- Company: Erbe di Mauro
NB : All information published on this site is informative and should not be considered as advice, or medical prescriptions, or other.