The healing properties of Aloe Arborescens

properties benefits aloe arborescens

The properties and benefits of Aloe Arborescens and the homemade recipe, following the indications of Father Romano Zago.

All information published on this page is for information purposes and should not be considered as medical advice or prescriptions or of any other nature. The article is inspired by the official book of Father Romano Zago which deals precisely with Aloe Arborescens and its properties . In the book you will find further information and technical and scientific insights, as well as numerous testimonies on the use of this medicinal plant.

Aloe Arborescens: the plant

L ‘ Aloe arborescens is a succulent plant from the Aloacee family, originally from North Africa and Latin America. In Italy this variety of Aloe is widespread mainly in the coasts of the Mediterranean, the Adriatic and the Tyrrhenian Sea, as well as a good part of Southern Italy, thanks to both the mild and sunny climate, and to the position and the currents they give to these places.

Since ancient times, Aloe has been used both as an ornamental plant and as a medicinal plant, in particular for its known detoxifying, soothing and regenerating virtues.

Today numerous scientific studies have done nothing but confirm many of the beneficial virtues that our ancestors had already attributed to it centuries before.

Aloe in history

The first evidence of the use of Aloe comes from ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, where it was called “the plant of immortality”, in fact also used in the mixtures used for mummification (probably due to its natural antioxidant effect).

We then move on to Hippocrates (460-337 BC), father of current medicine. In his numerous medical books he praises its healing properties.

Discorides (20-70 AD) talks about it in “De materia medica”, listing the properties of Aloe as healing, anti-inflammatory and useful in skin infections.

Pliny the Elder, in the treatise “Historia Naturalis”, describes the therapeutic properties of Aloe.

Also in several passages of the Bible it is mentioned: in the book of Numbers, in the Song of Songs and in the Gospel of St. John (19.3) as a component of the mixture used to anoint the body of Jesus after the descent from the cross.

Tibetan medicine compared to Ayurvedic medicine still use it today for their preparations.

The Templars used aloe as an ingredient in a special drink they called “Jerusalem Elixir”.

In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the medicinal use of aloe spread to the northern regions of Europe.

Christopher Columbus, who went down in history as “the explorer of the New World” in one of his writings declares that four plants are indispensable for man: wheat, vine, olive tree and aloe. The first nourishes, the second rejoices, the third gives harmony and the fourth gives health.

As you can see, the relationship between Aloe and human being is rooted in the mists of time and is not the latest news of the moment. However, even more incredible are the discoveries made in recent decades by a Brazilian friar residing in Rio Grande Do Sul, in southern Brazil.

The testimony of Father Zago

In his first book entitled “Can You Heal Cancer” Father Romano Zago talks about his personal testimony in the use of a natural recipe based on Aloe Arborescens, honey and distillate, for the treatment of various pathologies and one in particular, which it is precisely Cancer.

In order not to arouse useless illusions it is necessary to specify that the friar does not guarantee healing and does not give incentives to abandon conventional care, on the contrary he considers it “an extra help” capable of promoting improvement and in some cases even complete recovery.

It is the friar himself who testifies to having followed many people with Cancer, to heal even in difficult situations.

To be honest it must be said that there are several studies that confirm the presence of active ingredients with anti- tumor and anti-metastatic activity of Aloe . Just to name a few:

  1. (studio italiano) Uno studio randomizzato di chemioterapia versus biochemioterapia con chemioterapia più Aloe arborescens in pazienti con cancro metastatico;
  2. L’aloe vera inibisce la proliferazione delle cellule tumorali della mammella e della cervice uterina e agisce in sinergia con il cisplatino;
  3. Attività antitumorale dell’Aloe vera contro la papillomagenesi cutanea indotta da DMBA / olio di croton nei topi albini svizzeri;
  4. Effetti anti-cancro dell’aloe-emodina: una revisione sistematica;
  5. Aloe-emodina come farmaco candidato per la terapia del cancro;
  6. L’aloe-emodina è un nuovo tipo di agente antitumorale con attività selettiva contro i tumori neuroectodermici;
  7. L’effetto antitumorale dell’aloe-emodina sulle cellule del cancro cervicale è stato associato al papillomavirus umano E6 / E7 e al metabolismo del glucosio;
  8. L’emodina e l’aloe-emodina sopprimono la proliferazione delle cellule di cancro al seno attraverso l’ inibizione dell’ER α;
  9. L’aloe-emodina induce la morte cellulare attraverso l’arresto della fase S e le vie dipendenti dalla caspasi nelle cellule SCC-4 di carcinoma squamoso della lingua umana;
  10. L’aloe-emodina induce l’autofagia e la morte cellulare per apoptosi nelle cellule di cancro del polmone non a piccole cellule tramite la segnalazione Akt / mTOR e MAPK;
  11. Effetti dell’allenamento di resistenza di sei settimane e dell’integrazione di aloe vera sui livelli di COX-2 e VEGF nei topi con cancro al seno;

Having said this, these are still preliminary studies and in-depth studies are needed to affirm with absolute certainty that Aloe can have any antitumor value.

Active ingredients of Aloe Arborescens

The healing properties of Aloe Arborescens are the result of a truly unique phytocomplex , which includes a wide range of active ingredients, present both in the gel (internal pulp) and in the outer skin of the leaves of this plant.

In particular, in the Aloe gel we find acemannan , a muco-polysacaride to which numerous studies attribute anti-inflammatory, soothing, healing and gastroprotective properties, since this substance helps to protect the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. The presence of this substance is one of the reasons why Aloe is often taken as a juice, to treat gastrointestinal disorders, such as gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux, irritable bowel, etc.

In the peel, on the other hand, we find above all anthraquinones , substances such as aloin and aloe-emodin, which are mainly attributed laxative properties, but which have recently been “rediscovered” (see the studies published earlier), due to their alleged antitumor action and antimetastatic.

Obviously that’s not all, Aloe Arborescens contains numerous other nutrients, the most important are listed below:

  • Vitamins (Vit. A, group B, C, E, folic acid)
  • Fatty acids (betasitosterol caprylic acid)
  • Mono-polysaccharides (sugars) 0.2-0.3% fresh gel
  • Mannose and Glucose (in ratio 1: 3) fast intestinal absorption
  • Acemannan and Aloemannan, rapid intestinal absorption, enhances immune defenses, counteracts diabetes, arteriosclerosis, cholesterol, HIV inhibition, antigenic function. Effects 1-2 months after administration.
  • Essential amino acids (participate in protein synthesis). They are those that the human organism cannot synthesize autonomously in sufficient quantity to meet its own needs and must therefore be taken from the outside.
  • Non-essential amino acids
  • Mineral salts
  • Enzymes, amylases, phosphatases, lipases, catalases, bradykinases, cellulases, etc.
  • Saponins, marked haemolytic, purifying and antiseptic properties
  • Lecithins
  • Alexin B against lymphocytic leukemia
  • AFT 1011 induces the activity of lymphocytes against cancer cells

Properties of Aloe Arborescens

In addition to the alleged anticancer properties, of which I have already mentioned, the juice of Aloe Arborescens, or the smoothie prepared following the instructions of Father Romano Zago, can bring many other health benefits.

The main properties recognized in Aloe Arborescens are:

  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Painkiller
  • Anti aging
  • Antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal
  • Cicatrizing (also against burns)
  • Purifying and detoxifying
  • Energizing
  • Regenerating
  • Restorative
  • Strengthening
  • Moisturizing

Benefits for health

In his first book, but also in the next two entitled, Father Zago claims to have used this recipe based on Aloe Arborescens, honey and alcohol, also for the treatment of many other ailments and health problems. In particular we are talking about:

Stomach acidity.

It normalizes PH, it reduces the ferments and promotes the balance of the bacterial flora, improving the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste.


It rebalances the gastric functions in cases of poor digestion.


It substantially improves the process of blood formation.


Promotes the stimulation of gastric mucosa, which activate the hormones that regulate appetite through the neuro transmitters.

Arterio sclerosis

A frequent intake of the Aloe Arborescens juice helps to replenish compromised tissue in the arteries.

Cardiac arrhythmia

Taken especially in conjunction with the change of season, Aloe helps to regulate the heartbeat, thanks to the action of the ions, magnesium and calcium.


Thanks to its strong anti-inflammatory action, it has a high absorbing and penetrating power, aloe is able to reduce pain and restore the motility of the inflamed joint.


Aloe is one of the most powerful an anti-inflammatory and analgesic product, it has a high absorbing and penetrating power, it is an excellent adjuvant of the symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis.


It can prevent and fight asthma attacks.


Thanks to its antibacterial properties, Aloe Arborescens helps to alleviate the inflammation of bronchus and the entire respiratory system.

Stomach ache

It normalizes PH, reduces the ferments and promotes the balance of the bacterial flora, improving the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste.


Father Zago Recipe is known thanks to the books “Cancer can be cured!” and “Aloe is not a medicine yet … it heals”. In this book you can find stories and witnesses from people that cured cancer, that the Friar has collected and studied. To date, science has failed to explain these events and is currently making new experiments. The data collected are very encouraging, but this should not feed false hope in terminally ill patients. We recommend a radical change of lifestyle, a vegetarian diet, the constant intake of Aloe Aborescens juice and other anti-oxidants.

Deficiency of stomach acids

Aloe can balance gastric functions in cases of poor digestion. Take one or two tablespoons of Aloe juice after meals.


The anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, immunostimulative properties attenuate the production of phlegm.


Take one or two tablespoons and a glass of water before meals. It helps to reduce the bladder inflammation and gradually to eliminate the cystitis.


It is great in preventing vascular and coronary diseases; in addition it stimulates the cleaning and purification of the blood in the liver.


Thanks to the anti-inflammatory and detoxifying action, it calms, protects and cleanses the intestine. Take a spoon before and after meals.

Ulcerative colitis

It can be defined as a modulator or “activator” of the immune system.


It can control the presence of sugars in the blood and to restore the right level both in case of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. The treatment should be done under a strict medical supervision. In the preparation of the juice, we recommend the use of Acacia honey.

Natural Digestive

Take one or two tablespoons at the end of meals, it helps regular digestion.

Menstrual disorders

It is an antidote for disorders related to the period and it can stimulate the regular recovery of the period.


For both prevention and treatment, it regulates intestinal activity and reduces inflammation of blood vessels, purifying the blood. You can check the witnesses of its benefits.


Thanks to its antibiotic, anti-ferment and detoxifying properties, it normalizes intestinal activity.

Hepatitis A and B

Recent studies have shown that thanks to the hypoid choline, aloe is able to treat some cases of hepatitis A and B. It is however necessary to consult the doctor to establish the most suitable therapy for the individual case.

Thin Blood

Aloe helps blood circulation as it purifies the blood and reduces the risk of stroke and thrombosis.


Taking one or two tablespoons at the end of meals, it helps to cure insomnia both for physical and psychological reasons.

Hepatic insufficiency

It greatly improves the elasticity and functionality of liver cells.

Dietary supplement

Any modern diet is low in essential nutrients. Aloe Arborescens contains most of the amino acids found in humans; therefore, it is an excellent food supplement.


Regular intakes of Aloe Arborescens juice normalize the pressure (high blood pressure and low blood pressure) within a few weeks, purifying and fluidifying the blood in a completely natural way.


If it is not associated with a herniated disc, aloe, very rich in vitamins and minerals, can be useful in restoring the metabolic imbalance that has triggered the crisis.


To diminish the frequent annoying discomfort, it is advisable to take a spoon of Aloe Arborescens juice.


Aloe Arborescens has anti-fermentative and digestive properties. To avoid excessive atrophy (swallowing of air, accumulated in the stomach), it is recommended to take a tablespoon of juice after the main meals.


This dermatological disorder can be cured by taking a tablespoon of juice during the main meals.

High pressure and low pressure

After investigating the cause of this disorder, it is always useful to take Aloe Arborescens juice, that purifies the blood by regulating the flow.


For this disorder it is recommended to apply Aloe externally with specific creams (see our Psor Cream), and take orally Father Zago juice twice a day, away from meals.

Blood purification

Regular intake of Aloe Arborescens can purify the blood.


Aloe Arborescens, very rich in vitamins and minerals, can be useful in restoring the metabolic imbalance. We recommend a spoon before meals, three times a day.


This rare autoimmune disease that can affect various tissues and organs can be cured by taking three tablespoons of juice a day.

Multiple sclerosis

The intake of Aloe Arborescens juice three times a day is useful to stimulate the blocked muscular metabolism due to plaques disseminated in the central nervous system.


Aloe Arborescens juice has been used since ancient times for the treatment of this disorder, because it facilitates the correct digestion and stimulates contractions of the intestine muscles. We recommend one to three tablespoons a day. In particularly difficult cases, you can take another spoon before going to bed.


Taken especially in the periods of season change, Aloe helps to regulate the heartbeat, thanks to the action of magnesium and calcium.


Thyroiditis is an inflammatory process of the thyroid. The intake of Aloe Arborescens juice reduces and resolves the problems related to the thyroid, as it is an excellent anti-inflammatory.

Duodenal ulcer

It is advisable to take a tablespoon of Aloe Arborescens for two / three weeks after meals

Where to buy Aloe Arborescens?

If you don’t have the possibility to prepare Aloe juice at home, there are various agricultural realities that can do it for you, respecting the original recipe of Father Romano Zago.

In particular, the Erbe di Mauro farm offers a product of absolute quality, 100% natural and organic, made according to the original recipe by Father Romano Zago (exact proportion of the ingredients, leaves harvested and processed in the dark, etc.), furthermore it offers absolutely the cheapest product on the market. You can order it directly on the company’s website.

Aloe Arborescens juice, Father Zago’s original recipe 325ml/750 ml

  • Packaging of 325ml and 750ml
  • Ingredients: Aloe Arborescens, honey and distillate
  • Italian product
  • Company: Erbe di Mauro